kinesiologist melbourne

kinesiology therapy near me is unique also because it creates, and honours, the space for your own body & spirit to direct the course of treatment.


Enjoy an effective alternative to traditional medicine with Melbourne kinesiologist

Recommended kinesiologist melbourne is a method of maintaining health by ensuring that all the muscles of the body are functioning correctly. It is believed that each of the muscles is connected with a specific part of the body such as the digestive system, circulation of the blood and specific organs. If a muscle is not working correctly this will cause a problem in its related part of the body.

A kinesiologist will examine a patient and attempt to discover if there is any physical disorder, lack of energy or bad nutrition that is causing problems. When the problem areas have been located, a light massage will be applied to the relevant pressure points (usually not close to the associated muscles).

In best kinesiologist Melbourne it is maintained that the use of pressure points works because the flow of blood to the muscles is stimulated. This will ensure that a supply of lymph is generated as well; lymph is a watery fluid that takes toxins away from the tissues. As with acupuncture it is believed that that there is an unseen flow of energy running through the body.

Melbourne kinesiologist

When this flow of energy is disrupted due to a person being ill or suffering from stress, the body will become weak because insufficient energy is being produced. Testing the strength of the muscles will provide information on the flow of energy and help in assessing the general health of the patient.

It is claimed that by finding any imbalance and correcting it, kinesiology can be used as a preventative therapy. If a person is feeling tired all the time it is believed that this condition is made worse by the the slow flow of internal body fluids such as the circulation of blood. kinesiologist near me professional are able to teat this problem by stimulating the flow of lymph and blood by massaging the pressure points.

Melbourne kinesiology

Muscle testing is an incredibly versatile and powerful tool. It isn't a therapy in itself, but rather a method that allows information to be communicated by the body. This is comparable with ideo-motor responses in hypnosis, where finger signals (for example) communicate yes and no unconscious responses, and the pendulum, which communicates unconscious yes and no responses by exaggerating barely perceptible unconscious shoulder or arm movements.

kinesiologist Melbourne

Melbourne kinesiology clinic usually prefer to identify unstressed and stressed responses (rather than yes and no responses), but the principle is similar. Put simply: the body's response to a stimulus is tested by applying gentle pressure to a contracted muscle. If the muscle doesn't hold in place ('unlocks'), the body is indicating that the stimulus causes the body stress. If the muscle holds ('locks'), the body is indicating that the stimulus is not stressful.

Benefits of kinesiology Therapy

Stress is a general term that can cover pressure put on the emotional, mental or physical aspects of a person. However usually when we think of stress as an illness we consider the mental and emotional problems that people suffer from. People who suffer from stress usually have a large number of symptoms including insomnia, irritability, restlessness, headaches, digestive problems, reduced self-esteem as well as many others so it is wise to hire kinesiology therapy near me professional.

It can have a significant impact on a person's life and prevent them from fulfilling their true potential. In addition if suffered for a long time without treatment it can lead to a number of other health problems that include alcoholism, obesity, suicide, drug addiction, cigarette addiction, and other harmful behaviours.

Kinesiology is definitely an option for people who are suffering from stress. However it is important to say that there are a lot of potential treatments for people to try. For that reason it is important to do a detailed research of what is available to you and make sure a particular therapy will be right for you. If you have decided to locate benefits of kinesiology therapy then it is important to find a reputable therapist who has good references to ensure you get the best possible treatment.

Check Out The Website for getting more information related to recommended kinesiologist Melbourne.

About Us

Stress is one of the biggest problems in the world and may be caused by a variety of different things. Conventional medicine can offer little help to deal with stress and so many people may turn to alternative therapies. On alternative therapy that could be of great help is kinesiology Melbourne. We will look at what both stress and kinesiology and also how kinesiology can help treat stress. Melbourne kinesiology is a therapy system that identifies the problems in a person's life by assessing their ability to hold their muscles against light pressure. It is believed that each muscle is linked in a part of the body and to an energy meridian that runs along the body. A therapist will normally test the muscles in the body to see just where imbalances are occurring.

benefits of kinesiology therapy

recommended kinesiologist melbourne

If you suffer from stress then a visit to a kinesiologist Melbourne therapist could really help you. The therapist will carefully test your body and identify just which part of your body is responding to and causing the stress. Each person will hold their stress in a different part of the body so this individual treatment can be a great advantage. Once the Melbourne kinesiologist therapist has identified where you are holding the stress in your body they will be able to devise a treatment plan that will help you to overcome your stress and improve your overall health. In addition to that the actual therapy sessions may help to relax you in themselves and this can help to reduce the stress that you are feeling.





